How to increase sperm count and enjoy healthier sperm.
Are you a man with a low sperm count or some other male fertility problem? Are you noticing that you’re producing less semen and your ejaculations have decreased in load size?
Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Most guys will see their semen and sperm production decline as they get older. This is usually a natural occurrence – although some men may have medical issues causing their low sperm count.
Either way – there are several things you can do to both increase your sperm count and also create healthier, more mobile sperm. This article will show you how you can increase sperm count and restore your semen load. Millions of men suffer from low sperm count and this can cause many fertility issues when trying to conceive a child.
While in some cases infertility is not always easily treatable – the fact is that there are many ways to naturally increase your sperm count. These methods can include a healthy diet. lifestyle changes, and a sperm/semen supplement to boost your semen production.
Quick tips to increase sperm count.
There are many things that any guy can do to boost their sperm count and increase ejaculate right away. Here are some quick tips to increasing the volume of your ejaculations:
- Sperm Supplements. There are several doctor formulated supplements which can increase semen and boost sperm counts.
- Exercise. Getting regular exercise can boost male testosterone levels and improve your fertility.
- Vitamin C. Adequate intake of antioxidants like Vitamin C are believed to reduce stress and improve semen quality.
- Wear boxers. Tight underwear has a negative impact on semen and sperm production.
- Minimize Stress. High levels of stress impair fertility and reduce sperm counts, as well as sexual satisfaction.
- Tribulus Terrestris. A key medicinal herb used for centuries to enhance male fertility. Tribulus can improve low sperm counts and sperm motility.
- Zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral and is essential for proper semen production. Zinc supplements naturally increase testosterone levels and sperm count for men.
- Lifestyle check. Low sperm counts and unhealthy sperm are associated with men who are heavy drinkers (more than 2 alcoholic drinks daily), are tobacco or marijauna users, and those who use illegal drugs including cocaine and anabolic steroids.
- Environmental Exposure. Excessive exposure to metals, solvents, pesticides, paint strippers, and degreasers have all been linked to low sperm count and producing unhealthy or defective sperm.
- Check your bike. Cycling has been linked to low sperm count in men. Bicycling more than 5 hours per week is associated with lower sperm concentration.
As you can see – there are many methods that men can implement almost immediately to help increase their sperm count. Of course, certain things will make more of a difference than others, and taking a sperm supplement will often produce some of the quicker and most noticeable improvements.
A doctor formulated sperm supplement will always be one of the quickest ways to restore your sperm count, and that’s because they contain a number of key ingredients which have all been found to both increase sperm production and improve sperm health. We review and discuss several good sperm pills on this site, so make sure you compare the best ones before you decide to go with one of these male fertility supplements.
If you do consider using a sperm pill, as many men do – make sure you purchase one that contains zinc.
Zinc is absolutely essential for healthy sperm health and proper semen production, and will make an immediate impact. Take zinc together with folic acid if possible. Zinc is an essential mineral that is instrumental in several factors of cellular metabolism. In combination with folic acid, zinc was found to increase sperm count by 74% in men who had fertility problems, according to one study.
Another dietary consideration is to make sure you’re getting certain amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. These organic compounds, taken regularly, are reputed to boost levels of semen, and are another consideration when considering a semen supplement.
Scientists believe that sperm benefit from amino acids because certain amino acids are found in large quantities in the heads of sperm. Look out for the following amino acids to boost your ejaculate.
3 Important Amino Acids to increase ejaculate:
- L-Arginine
- L-Lysine
- L-Carnitine
Increase sperm count – the hard way.
Most guys won’t like this part – but there are several habits or “lifestyle” decisions that we make everyday that can have a very negative impact on our sperm count. Things like drinking alcohol, smoking, drug use, and lack of exercise all have a hand in reducing our sperm volume and health as we get older.
The longer your body has to battle these habits, the more you’ll notice the result – not only in your sperm production – but also aspects like erectile function and sexual performance. So – the “hard way” of increasing your sperm count involves changing your lifestyle and leading a healthier, more active life. The good news is that your body will benefit in many ways – not just the ability to produce more sperm and have better sperm motility.
Marijuana is known to lower both the male hormone testosterone – and sperm count. If you smoke marijuana regularly, there’s a good chance it’s reducing your sperm count – which is quite ironic since many men enjoy smoking marijuana before engaging in sexual activities.
We don’t advocate trying to change a number of your lifestyle choices all at once – but making gradual and permanent changes to some of your ‘bad’ habits will have a noticeable effect on your your sperm count and your semen load size. Try adding a few more fruits and veggies to your diet, get regular exercise, and reduce your drinking and smoking to see improved sperm counts and increased fertility.
Increase sperm count – the easy way.
We know that some men will be resistant to making ANY changes to their lifestyle – and we totally get it. Guys are pretty stubborn, and we do tend to enjoy some habits which don’t necessarily work to the benefit of our health. Many guys won’t consider implementing any of the “hard” choices we’ve listed above.
While we still strongly advocate these changes because they’ll add years to your life and improve your health immensely, we are happy to tell you that there are “quick and easy” ways to increase your semen count and enjoy healthier sperm.
We’ve already touched on the recent developments of new semen supplements which have become extremely popular – and with good reason. A well designed semen supplement can boost your ejaculate volume by as much as 500%. This is quite a dramatic difference, and will be very noticeable by both you AND your partner.
When you consider this dramatic improvement in semen load size – imagine how much more sperm will be in your ejaculate when you shoot 500% more semen than before.
A fertile male human ejaculates between 2 and 5 milliliters(ml) of semen (on average about a teaspoon). In each ml there are normally about 100 million sperm. If the concentration falls below 20 million sperm per milliliter there is usually some trouble with fertility. If you start shooting 5 teaspoons of semen instead of 1 – you’ll be “depositing” millions and millions of extra sperm every time you have intercourse.
These sperm supplements have now become quite mainstream – and in fact are one of the best selling male enhancement products sold in this multi-billion dollar industry. Many millions of men use these supplements even though they don’t have fertility problems – just for the pleasure and enjoyment they get from shooting bigger semen loads – and the stronger orgasms that accompany them.
Sperm supplements are a great choice to quickly increase your sperm count and improve fertility. Natural sperm pills are very safe and also quite affordable – in fact – EXTREMELY affordable compared to the thousands of dollars couples usually spend on fertility treatments.
If you’re looking for a good, doctor recommended sperm supplement – there are many too choose from. Most work quite well – although a handful of products stand out above the rest.
Top 5 supplements to increase ejaculate:
As we said before – don’t buy any sperm pill that doesn’t contain at least SOME zinc, as it’s essential to proper semen production and sperm health. If you can, try and find a product that contains L-Arginine as well, as it is vital for amino acids involved in reproduction health.
If you’re not sure which sperm supplement is best for your – we’ve made it even easier! Check out our homepage for our sperm pill survey tool that will help down the search by asking 7 simple questions to help you pick the perfect sperm supplement!
We encourage you to explore this website for many resources and tips on improving both your overall sexual health and especially your sperm count and reproductive health. There are many things you can do to help increase your sperm count – and you’ll dramatically improve your sexual satisfaction and pleasure as a bonus!
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