How To Make Sure You Have Healthy Sperm.
Many men are concerned about their fertility, especially as it pertains to the health of their sperm.
Healthy sperm, and producing enough sperm – are the two key components in male fertility. If you’re not making enough sperm – or if your sperm aren’t healthy – then your chances of conceiving a child are drastically reduced.
The good news is that you can positively affect both the health AND quantity of your sperm.
As we get older – men tend to produce both less sperm AND less semen. Some of this is just the natural progression of aging. Some of it is lifestyle or nutritional choices which aren’t great for our health or semen production. However, there are things you can do to quite easily increase seminal fluid production and improve sperm health and motility at the same time.
Sperm and male fertility:
Most people probably don’t give much thought to sperm regeneration until perhaps conception appears that it’s taking longer than it should. The good news, there are some very tangible lifestyle changes that men can make to improve their sperm health and overall fertility.
It is generally known that most men produce millions of new sperm every day. However, you might not know that these new sperm take about 2 ½ to 3 months to fully mature. You might not also realize that when sperm are initially formed within the testicles, they lack the ability to swim forward or fertilize an egg until they make their way through the reproductive tract.
How can I keep my sperm healthy?
Sperm are living cells within the male body and are subject to whatever conditions the rest of the body is exposed to throughout their development cycle. Extreme temperatures, smoking, drug use, and poor diet can all impact the quality of sperm.
For this reason, men looking to increase the chances of conception should consider making healthful lifestyle changes. Most fertility doctors would tell their male patients that a “heart-healthy” lifestyle is a “sperm-friendly” lifestyle: eating a good diet, exercising regularly and moderately to maintain a healthy weight, avoiding tobacco use, and consuming alcohol and caffeine in moderation are all good choices that will improve your sperm’s overall health.
Men should be aware that making positive lifestyle and/or nutritional changes may take a bit of time to fully kick in. Because of the life cycle of sperm production, once a lifestyle change has been made—such as quitting smoking—it takes about 2 ½ to 3 months for those healthier sperm to appear in the ejaculate.
5 Tips for keeping your sperm happy and healthy.
There are many things that any guy can do to boost both sperm production and especially sperm health. Here are 5 quick tips to increasing the volume of your ejaculations:
- Heat = Bad. It’s important to note that too much heat on or near the testicles can be dangerous. Sperm counts and quality can be adversely affected by hot baths, hot tubs, and long trips to the sauna or steam room.
- Watch the laptop. Be mindful to not rest laptops directly on the lap but instead place a pillow or book in between. (See above)
- Lifestyle Changes. Exercising and especially quitting smoking will both help your ejaculate volume
- Hydrate! Drink plenty of water and avoid dehydrating drinks like caffeinated beverages and alcohol
- Supplements. Consider using a specialized sperm supplement
Hydration – As many of us hear quite often – hydration is very important for overall health, and nowhere is this more true than in the production of seminal fluid in men. You’ll note that seminal fluid includes the term “fluid” – and the more water you have in your system, the easier it is for your body to produce seminal fluid.
Supplements – Many modern supplements are actually formulated with the express purpose of increasing your semen and sperm health. They contain a number of vitamins, minerals, and compounds necessary for the proper production of seminal fluid. Make sure you choose a sperm supplement with high quality natural ingredients for quicker results – and to see the most noticeable improvement in your seminal fluid production.
Lifestyle Changes – Okay, many guys won’t like hearing this – but many of our everyday lifestyle choices such as drinking, smoking, and recreational drug use – can all have a very negative effect on your sperm health. Reducing or eliminating these factors will not only have a dramatic effect on your sperm – it will noticeably improve your overall health as well!
As you can see – there are many methods that men can use to improve the health of their sperm. Of course, certain things will make more of a difference than others.
Drinking 8 or more glasses of water a day should provide a fairly quick boost to the amount of semen you’re producing.
A specially formulated sperm pill will always be one of the quickest and easiest ways to improve your sperm, and that’s because they contain a number of key ingredients which have all been found to boost semen and sperm production.
We review and discuss several good semen boosters on this site, so make sure you compare the best ones before you decide to go with one of these supplements.
If you do consider using a sperm pill, as many men do – make sure you purchase one that contains zinc.
Zinc is absolutely essential to healthy sperm and optimal semen production, and will make an immediate impact. Take zinc together with folic acid if possible. Zinc is an essential mineral that is instrumental in several factors of cellular metabolism. In combination with folic acid, zinc was found to increase sperm count by 74% in men who had fertility problems, according to one study.
Another dietary consideration is to make sure you’re getting certain amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. These organic compounds, taken regularly, are reputed to boost levels of semen, and are another consideration when considering a semen supplement.
Scientists believe that sperm benefit from amino acids because certain amino acids are found in large quantities in the heads of sperm. Look out for the following amino acids to increase semen:
3 Important Amino Acids for health sperm:
- L-Arginine
- L-Lysine
- L-Carnitine
VIDEO – 5 Tips to Ensure Healthy Sperm
Improving sperm health – the hard way.
Most guys won’t like this part – but there are several habits or “lifestyle” decisions that we make everyday that can have a very negative impact on our sperm. Things like drinking alcohol, smoking, drug use, and lack of exercise all have a hand in reducing our sperm health and motility as we get older.
The longer your body has to battle these habits, the more you’ll notice the result – not only in your sperm production – but also aspects like erectile function and sexual performance. So – the “hard way” of improving your sperm health involves changing your lifestyle and leading a healthier, more active life. The good news is that your body will benefit in many ways – not just the ability to produce healthier semen and sperm.
You don’t have to change a bunch of your lifestyle choices all at once – but making gradual and permanent changes to some of your ‘bad’ habits will have a noticeable effect on your sperm health and semen production. Try adding a few more fruits and veggies to your diet, drink more water, and reduce your alcohol and tobacco use, and your sperm health will undoubtedly improve over time.
Improving sperm health – the easy way.
We know that some men will be resistant to making ANY changes to their lifestyle – and we totally get it. Guys are pretty stubborn, and we do tend to enjoy some habits which don’t necessarily work to the benefit of our health. Many guys won’t consider implementing most (or any) of the “hard” choices we’ve listed above.
While we still strongly advocate these changes because they’ll add years to your life and improve your health immensely, we are happy to tell you that there are “quick and easy” ways to help improve sperm health and motility.
We’ve already touched on the recent developments of new sperm supplements which have become extremely popular – and with good reason. A well designed semen supplement can boost your ejaculate volume by as much as 500%, and create healthier and happier sperm in the process.
Top 3 supplements to improve sperm health and motility:
Semenax – See our full Semenax review
Volumaxx – See our full Volumaxx pills review
Volume Pills – See our full Volume Pills review
As we said before – stay away from any semen pill that doesn’t contain zinc, as it’s so essential to proper semen production. If you can, try and find a product that contains L-Arginine as well, as it is vital for amino acids involved in reproduction health.
If you’re not sure which semen supplement is best for your – we’ve made it even easier! Check out our homepage for our semen pill survey tool that will help down the search by asking 7 simple questions to help you pick the perfect supplement to boost seminal fluid!
We encourage you to explore this website for many resources and tips on improving both your overall sexual health and especially your semen production and sperm health. There are many things you can do to help increase your seminal fluid – and shoot more semen. You’ll ejaculate harder and farther, and enjoy more intense orgasms as a bonus!
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